Two views vis-à-vis South Florida: from the lobby to the boardroom at TheSusie global HQ in S2011

About TheSusie Books

Todd Perry
2 min readJan 25, 2024

FASHION TEXT are fictionalized accounts of life that create future possibilities by building trust between humans and AI,” as follows:

Book I: everyone can buy it in print at or also link to

Montage of Susie’s AI-assistant, PC, and her editor, Heather, in S2033

Book II: In 2014, I began selling my first “FashionText” as an ebook called “ Show: Conversations about the culture of Silicon Valley,” and then I delisted it in early 2018, but I plan to start selling a new book in 2024 called “TheSuzy Show Memoirs” that includes three new mini-FashionTexts and an update of my first one from 2014, as well.

Self-portraits of the author, with and without dressing up like his protagonist

Book III: this one will hopefully take the form of an actual political memoir about myself and the potential for chatbots like TheSusie to help people start businesses, access government services, and run the world too.

AI-visualizations of what Susie and Heather were doing in college during S1993

Please visit or for more info.

Last content change: May. 19th, 2024 at 6:11pm ET from NYC

Copyright © 2024 Todd Perry. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.



Todd Perry

Todd taught computer science on the east coast from 2001 to 2005, and then he developed software in Palo Alto, CA, from 2006 to 2010, first at PT and then FB.