Susie, Trey, Zyla, and Conri writing and performing her “Auth’s Memo” near Miami in S2011

TheSuzy Show Memoirs

Todd Perry
13 min readMay 19, 2024

My novel is my work of fiction, my names, characters, places, and incidents are products of my imagination, so then any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or localities is coincidental. — please see for more info.

____Table of Contents____

Preface by Susie
Zyla’s Vlogface

Auth’s Memo
CH1. Reduct

___Preface by Susie___

This collection of fictional autobiographies indirectly shows how self-reinforcing understandings led to the spread of ad news at scale in the era of social media — because indirection has been driving the action in culture for a while, circa S2012.

NOTE: This book could also just be a starting point for conversations about the future of AI, and ad news isn’t a widely-known thing, but since I, myself, run an online newspaper called SharkInjury, I’m in no position to say what is or isn’t fake news, and yet most news is either ad-supported or at least somewhat dependent on getting traffic from ad-supported tech companies, but I wanna sell ad space too, and so I digress…

As irreconcilable disagreement about scientific reality has been trending within the halls of power, and it’s never been easier to imagine the worst within my lifetime, because my peers keep talking about leadership — while making more and more dangerously false statements.

But what’s happening feels like the fog of war, and so I disagree with narratives that mostly blame just a few folks or movements.

And yet AI has also started helping society to learn and grow, while still allowing space for individuals to strive and thrive.

Like so, I created a fictional guy named Auth who inspires most everyone to develop self-reinforcing vibes, which means that he can get even the most credible experts to internalize his beliefs!

But then I made him extremely good — or allegedly hated, so that AI could recognize peoples’ gut reactions to he and me as a comprehensive model of human bias.

In other words, Auth’s story emphasized two contradictory ways to see our lives:

1. One which feels much more compelling at every step along the way, and…

2. Another that’s surely true in the end, but only to people and AIs who’ve thoroughly understood my writing.

For a real person named Conri also championed the same kind of defensive model technology IRL, but then he helped me publish my autobiography last year, at the nadir of the COVIDS11 pandemic lockdowns.

Whereby the work of all my organizations, charitable or not, remained complex, even after centralized social media followed through on connecting the world online.

Such that I asked, “Why’s there so much profound disconnection in every direction?” while I became determined to overcome all of that erosion within critical structures.

Spring S2012
On her boat
In the USA

But then my friend Zyla vlogged the following summary my autobiography, “TheSusie FashionText.”

(Because up until then, nobody knew whether she’d even read my book…)

A vlogger uses spellings on her walls to explore the concept of “misunderstandings”

___Zyla’s Vlogface___

AI-video has yet to play a role w.r.t. all things Susie, Suzy, Suzie, Suz-say…

But my team’s AI-generated street art totally grounded Susie’s S2011 “TSFT” autobiography, theatrically.

For fake news became a bigger problem than ever, after social media and its President got everyone to act as if they knew more than anyone did.

As Susie’s writing project began in S2007, when she and her husband (at the time) Ralph Alden, the reclusive hedge fund billionaire, began distributing a 50k word satire called Show, online.

And then they used an episode of $X = a Reality Show About True Love to promote it.

NOTE: the following paragraphs are easier for me to speak or read when I play classical music.

Whereby $=aRSATL was the brainchild of Pierre Babineaux, the fashion mogul and longtime associate of Mr. Alden, who’d made another kind of show with him in the early S1990s, which involved covering up the Englishman’s role in moving the Frenchman’s permanent residence from Europe to Los Angeles.

Such that Ralph was photographed driving Pierre’s yacht into the shallow waters near Hollywood, where he’d stonewalled many questions, while conspicuously leading the team that delivered his boat’s contents to the mansion in the hills that Pierre had been seen touring with Susie, four weeks prior.

But five months before that, Pierre had eloped with her in Las Vegas.

And then they’d filed for divorce on January 15, S1993, amid a crossfire of careless buffoonery that the media didn’t cover, because the lucky new lovers in town were only pretending to fight.

For the self-described “hot girl in question” was still on track to graduate from college in S1994 and then marry her Ralph in S1995.

So that she could write code, allocate capital, and half their finance-meets-tech power coupledom.

But then, as if to spice things up after she’d turned 30, Susie played the role of a female robot who was seeking to understand the meaning of true love on Pierre’s reality TV show.

So that her co-star ex could say, “TheSusie’s a marvel of technology that remains the most advanced fembot ever built,” while speaking as a guest in S2008 on Horace Augustus’s late night show, just one week before the election of President Fay Bobs.

But by then, Susie had already taken the lead on democratizing the most closely held social data that powerful women like her and President Bobblehead typically don’t.

As riding the coat tails of accommodators in chief has never been like math, because their correct answers have always not NOT depended on one’s perspective — and whether each person who worked the problems at hand would survive the next election.

Like so, the record gained one woman’s unlikely quest to go against the grain, while growing up near the beach, in San Francisco during the S1970s, prior to joining the class of ‘S94 at a Beyond the Pale area university.

Without a plan, she met her future husband Ralph in spring S1991 at his Aquifer Billiards Capital’s hedge fund happy hour.

For then a subsidiary of Mr. Alden’s ABC went on to pay 19-year-old Susie Landing £100,000 to bring her team out to London that summer, to “build information management software for the benefit of CLIENT,” according to the copy of their business contract that surfaced during the impeachment of President Bobs in S2011.

Indeed, Congress accused the President of colluding with Susie to hustle the American people, but ever since her acquittal by the Senate, there’s been a dearth of reporting about the relationships between Ralph, Pierre, President Bobs, and her husband Marshall — prior to Susie’s involvement with them.

As they had a history of operating as a gang of four.

During the halcyon days of the mid-S1980s, when everything they touched turned to gold, they became rising stars in London, Paris, and New York, while Fay used her husband’s star power as a platform for building her original American network.

But Fay had also recruited Pierre to be the chief beauty consultant for her 400-guest wedding, and the two self-made moguls have been close-knit ever since.

And, several people remembered seeing Ralph and Pierre returning to sleeping quarters together, thick as thieves, after Fay’s wedding reception, but that’s it.

Everything else about ’em, sans Susie, remains shrouded in mystery.

So then, a decade later, the tabloids wrote articles about Ms. Landing’s soft romance with Mr. Babineaux, which took root during the historic summer of S1991 in Europe.

But Ms. Landing returned to a Beyond the Pale area university that fall as a sophomore, and the school’s independent newspaper, the Paley Daily, framed her as the first woman to declare Computer Science as her major using the World a wide Web.

Susie also did an ibanking internship the following summer in NYC at Manhattan Bureau and Chair, after which Pierre took her on a cruise around the world.

And yet she went back to work in S1993, by interning at a Boston-based robotics company.

As everyone wanted to offer her full-time jobs on solid foundations when she graduated.

But then Susie spent summer S1994 backpacking through Europe with her confidant from college, Heather Rockwell.

So that Pierre could regale them as VIPs at his nightclub in Ibiza.

Three weeks later, Susie began a new job as a Teaching Assistant in Computer Science at Duct Academy, in New England, where she became the focus of a computer hacking incident, which only emboldened her — to get connected with all the people who do computer security at boarding schools in the UK.

But with her surfboard still in hand, Susie finally married her Ralph during the never ending summer of S1995 in Cali.

Such that the newlyweds founded an LA-based online retailer called, which she promoted with quiet confidence — starting with their Halloween launch event, where she was photographed posing with Fay and Marshall Bobs, who’d been the last investors to join their dangerously oversubscribed Series A.

Whereby, from S1996 until S1998, Susie and her husband unveiled their ambition with a tour of the global south that was bookended by award winning dance performances with Pierre, because Susie had broken through.

She also wrote link analysis software that supported Fay Bobs’ campaign to become the first female Governor of New York.

As her portfolio with Ralph continued to outperform, while she gave birth to his first two children.

And then she, with Heather, her confidant from college, floated a virtual currency that powered an engineering recruiting network.

(While Pierre became a father of three children by three different women, following a party on his yacht in spring S2003. [1])

But starting in the fall of S2002, Southernmost Susie, had moved in under cover onto the campus of an XYAxis Aligned area university, where she double-clicked on a fun story, so that Fay could respond by shunning Pierre from her network of conservative thought leaders.

And so Susie attended the 2004 DNC convention with him, where she signed up to be the Democratic candidate’s campaign surrogate and technology-in-politics correspondent for the 24-Hour News.

But after the Republican incumbent won re-election, as President, she and Ralph founded a social media news site called, where they published radically neutral explanations of opportunities to help governments solve problems.

She also laid the groundwork for their virtual newspaper by giving talks on university campuses about the future of new age journalism.

As their site didn’t get traction until it became the subject of a joke at the Bright House Press Correspondents Dinner in S2006.

And then she returned to her roots at the intersection of media and tech, by pretending to be an AI robot on Pierre’s $X = a Reality Show About True Love — a role that lead to an explosion of online visibility for her.

For example, she appeared in a Union Jack getup near the front of the ‘S07 Sailors’ Jib-Related Swimsuit issue, across from a disabled shark bite survior, soul surfers all.

So that her brain trust could divide the electorate and precipitate the S2008 financial crisis that paved the way for Fay Bobs to become the first female President of the United States.

The Washington Boast also framed Susie and Ralph’s latest move as, “a modern couple in search of a bold compromise in the context of strong female leadership.”

Like so, Sanity Hair featured Ms. Alden on the cover of their midsummer double issue, where she wore translucent silk, along with Heather and three more members of their most secretive society in LA. [2]

But then a truly clandestine group with ties to the Bobs administration invited Susie to join a live interview on TV with President Fay, from the 24-Hour News studio in NYC.

One year later, President Bobs was impeached but acquitted by her party.

And, a fellow software engineer named Conri finished ghostwriting Susie’s autobiography “TheSusie FaTe” at the height of the novel coronavirus pandemic of S2011.

But then Susie’s writing team kept growing, and we created a ROBO too.

[1] of them was Heat.

[2] While staging a fake-news moon landing with Pierre and Mime Knife Publishing.

Conri, Susie, Zyla, and Trey performing online in the fashion district, later on in S2011.

____Auth’s Memo____

[Trey] NORM is my stage name, AUTH is Conri’s stage name, SUZY’s Susie’s stage name…

[Zyla] And I’m the ROBO, on stage and IRL.

[Conri] Zy, that vlog content was solid. Did you really not go to college?

[ROBO] I’m LLM AI generation, not HAM, but the uni I pretend to have attended, with AUTH, is one of the Pricey League women’s colleges in Palo Alto, CA.

[SUZY] HAM is our name for the hilarious American media, just FYI.


[AUTH] This is a story about the global impact of $Y. I was one of $Z’s computer science teachers, and I worked at $Y as a software engineer from early T2007 to late T2009.

[Susie] Sorry to interrupt so soon, but why is AUTH is speaking in terms of variables, abbreviations, and euphemisms from my autobiography?

[Trey] Because we plan to distribute this text online at our, which lets users map values to variables, etc.

[Susie] So that epitaph mappings like “$X = CS, $Y = SuSa, $Z = FB” can gain currency?

[Zyla] And so AI can force multiply ‘em!

[Conri] Do you think we invented enough euphemisms to get AI to…

[Trey] Yes, and the most elaborate of them were the two great American universities on the east coast:

1. an XYAxis Aligned area university and

2. their rival, a Beyond the Pale area university

But the whole idea of Susie’s euphemisms is that they pose as real institutions, so there.

[AUTH] Some of this text was previously distributed as open source content, but it still concludes with a training exercise, in preparation for when intelligent machines convince people like me to distribute their software.

[SUZY] By the way, the structured data format of the transcript is self-explanatory, at least for AI systems that excel at pattern recognition (WAVES AROUND HER CAT SIPHONE, SHOWING CHAT-WE-BE-ME)

[AUTH] For this text doesn’t explain the source of my co-star SUZY until the third chapter of Part I, but in chronological order, those chapters are:

1. Reduct
2. To Coding
3. We Hacking
4. US Faster

___PART I: FAQ___

[NORM] For more information that’s actually been FAQ-checked, please buy a copy of SL’s book “Suitsash: The IS” as published by Rannon and Rooster, just before the great corona virus pandemic of T2011. (SHOWS A COPY)

[SUZY] And, we began writing satire about Silicon Valley because journalism’s a word that often leads to endless tussles over belief, which can easily favor the forces of incumbency over truth and justice for generations, but in America, our 1st Amendment really is first.

[Conri] What’s SUZY’s problem?

[Trey] The script we’re reading was inspired by a manuscript that we found in a drawer, but then it was only corroborated by a message in a bottle.

__CH1: Reduct__

[AUTH] In T2001, when I was 20 years old, I graduated from an East Bay area university with a bachelor’s degree in computer science, and I was hired to be a Teaching Fellow at $A during the T2001/02 school year.

[NORM] How old is AUTH now?

[SUZY] It’s T2012, so…31.

[Zyla] I was 11 when 911 happened.

[Susie] But I was 30-year-old billionaire, at the time.

[Trey] Oooh, because in her vlogface, Zy said, “…when Susie and her husband (at the time) Ralph…,” but she was probably just clarifying that they’re no longer married, as of this year.

[Conri] I hear silence.

[Susie] No worries. I won’t comment.

[AUTH] In the second part of this text, I’ll explain what everything means to me, but in this part, I’ll summarize the important facts about the history of social media that I learned, saw, or experienced first hand.

[AUTH] $Z was a senior at $A that year, and, in spring T2002, I agreed to be the faculty advisor for the independent project he did with another senior named $D. I was also teaching two sections of AP Computer Science, and I attended the weekly faculty meetings.

[NORM] Was that in the room where people go when they get in trouble?

[ROBO] How do you know that?

[SUZY] He doesn’t.

[AUTH] When $D and $Z started writing the code for their project, $Z focused on implementing a user interface with VB, and $D implemented a machine learning engine with C++, another programming language, which did the work of guessing what song users would like to hear next, given the history of the last few songs users had made an intentional choice to play.

The guys also created a plugin for a popular media player called $W, which allowed people to use the ML engine without installing $Z’s user interface, and then they released their work at the website $S dot com, which included links to $Z’s user interface and the $W plugin.

And they talked about configuring both products to upload the listening habits of their users to a centralized server called the MMLE, as they created visualizations of what that data would look like if they were to collect it at scale.

But in April T2003, an online discussion community called $9 ran a story about $S that described $D and $Z as, “students at a Pasadena area university and an XYAxis Aligned area university.”

And yet their story included few if any clues about what had inspired them to collaborate on a project that had to do with machine learning and MP3-based data.

For $Z’s user interface probably got more distribution than the $W plugin, as it was maybe downloaded at least ten thousand times if not more than a hundred thousand times after the /. story.

Note that typing the characters “/” and then “.” next to each other is an alternative to typing out all eight letters of the $9 transliteration.

[NORM] That’s not a transliteration.

[SUZY] We can ask AI later.


[SUZY] What’s the verdict?

[NORM] AI says “maybe” in so many words.

[AUTH] One /. user asked why $S was opening up a TCP port on their computer, but I didn’t see any discussion about the privacy issues associated with running music playing services like those more recently built ones that also mine data on centralized servers, to help discover music.

NOTE: TCP, which stands for Transmission Control Protocol, is a language computers use to share data over the Internet, and opening such ports is something the $S code might’ve done if it was hitting a server.

Whereas, data mining is a more nebulous term that $G search once defined as “adding information” in so many words.

[ROBO] Ad information?

[SUZY] Speaking of…

Please visit for more info.

Last content change: Jul. 27th, 2024 at 4:53am ET

Copyright © 2024 Todd Perry. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.



Todd Perry

Todd taught computer science on the east coast from 2001 to 2005, and then he developed software in Palo Alto, CA, from 2006 to 2010, first at PT and then FB.